Source code for

from amqpstorm.compatibility import json
from amqpstorm.compatibility import quote
from import ManagementHandler

API_EXCHANGE = 'exchanges/%s/%s'
API_EXCHANGE_BIND = 'bindings/%s/e/%s/e/%s'
API_EXCHANGE_BINDINGS = 'exchanges/%s/%s/bindings/source'
API_EXCHANGE_UNBIND = 'bindings/%s/e/%s/e/%s/%s'
API_EXCHANGES = 'exchanges'

[docs] class Exchange(ManagementHandler):
[docs] def get(self, exchange, virtual_host='/'): """Get Exchange details. :param str exchange: Exchange name :param str virtual_host: Virtual host name :raises ApiError: Raises if the remote server encountered an error. :raises ApiConnectionError: Raises if there was a connectivity issue. :rtype: dict """ virtual_host = quote(virtual_host, '') return self.http_client.get( API_EXCHANGE % ( virtual_host, exchange) )
[docs] def list(self, virtual_host='/', show_all=False, name=None, page_size=100, use_regex=False): """List Exchanges. :param str virtual_host: Virtual host name :param bool show_all: List Exchanges across all virtual hosts :param name: Filter by name :param use_regex: Enables regular expression for the param name :param page_size: Number of elements per page :raises ApiError: Raises if the remote server encountered an error. We also raise an exception if the exchange cannot be found. :raises ApiConnectionError: Raises if there was a connectivity issue. :rtype: list """ if show_all: return self.http_client.list( API_EXCHANGES, name=name, use_regex=use_regex, page_size=page_size, ) virtual_host = quote(virtual_host, '') return self.http_client.list( API_EXCHANGES_VIRTUAL_HOST % virtual_host, name=name, use_regex=use_regex, page_size=page_size, )
[docs] def declare(self, exchange='', exchange_type='direct', virtual_host='/', passive=False, durable=False, auto_delete=False, internal=False, arguments=None): """Declare an Exchange. :param str exchange: Exchange name :param str exchange_type: Exchange type :param str virtual_host: Virtual host name :param bool passive: Do not create :param bool durable: Durable exchange :param bool auto_delete: Automatically delete when not in use :param bool internal: Is the exchange for use by the broker only. :param dict,None arguments: Exchange key/value arguments :raises ApiError: Raises if the remote server encountered an error. :raises ApiConnectionError: Raises if there was a connectivity issue. :rtype: None """ if passive: return self.get(exchange, virtual_host=virtual_host) exchange_payload = json.dumps( { 'durable': durable, 'auto_delete': auto_delete, 'internal': internal, 'type': exchange_type, 'arguments': arguments or {}, 'vhost': virtual_host } ) return self.http_client.put(API_EXCHANGE % ( quote(virtual_host, ''), exchange ), payload=exchange_payload)
[docs] def delete(self, exchange, virtual_host='/'): """Delete an Exchange. :param str exchange: Exchange name :param str virtual_host: Virtual host name :raises ApiError: Raises if the remote server encountered an error. :raises ApiConnectionError: Raises if there was a connectivity issue. :rtype: dict """ virtual_host = quote(virtual_host, '') return self.http_client.delete(API_EXCHANGE % ( virtual_host, exchange ))
[docs] def bindings(self, exchange, virtual_host='/'): """Get Exchange bindings. :param str exchange: Exchange name :param str virtual_host: Virtual host name :raises ApiError: Raises if the remote server encountered an error. :raises ApiConnectionError: Raises if there was a connectivity issue. :rtype: list """ virtual_host = quote(virtual_host, '') return self.http_client.get(API_EXCHANGE_BINDINGS % ( virtual_host, exchange ))
[docs] def bind(self, destination='', source='', routing_key='', virtual_host='/', arguments=None): """Bind an Exchange. :param str source: Source Exchange name :param str destination: Destination Exchange name :param str routing_key: The routing key to use :param str virtual_host: Virtual host name :param dict,None arguments: Bind key/value arguments :raises ApiError: Raises if the remote server encountered an error. :raises ApiConnectionError: Raises if there was a connectivity issue. :rtype: None """ bind_payload = json.dumps({ 'destination': destination, 'destination_type': 'e', 'routing_key': routing_key, 'source': source, 'arguments': arguments or {}, 'vhost': virtual_host }) virtual_host = quote(virtual_host, '') return % ( virtual_host, source, destination ), payload=bind_payload)
[docs] def unbind(self, destination='', source='', routing_key='', virtual_host='/', properties_key=None): """Unbind an Exchange. :param str source: Source Exchange name :param str destination: Destination Exchange name :param str routing_key: The routing key to use :param str virtual_host: Virtual host name :param str properties_key: :raises ApiError: Raises if the remote server encountered an error. :raises ApiConnectionError: Raises if there was a connectivity issue. :rtype: None """ unbind_payload = json.dumps({ 'destination': destination, 'destination_type': 'e', 'properties_key': properties_key or routing_key, 'source': source, 'vhost': virtual_host }) virtual_host = quote(virtual_host, '') return self.http_client.delete(API_EXCHANGE_UNBIND % ( virtual_host, source, destination, properties_key or routing_key ), payload=unbind_payload)